Juan Alberto Fuentes Knight

Juan Alberto Fuentes Knight

Président, Oxfam International

Date d'intervention :

Juan Alberto Fuentes is the chair of Oxfam International. Juan Alberto has a strong background in economics having studied at the University of Toronto and gaining a PhD from the University of Sussex. He has had a wide ranging career path and is a published author; as such he is a global voice in the economic sector.

Juan Alberto was the founder and Director for the Central American Institute for Fiscal Studies (ICEFI) in 2005. Following his departure from this role Juan Alberto became Minister for Finance in Guatemala from January 2008 to June 2010. His achievements in this role include the creation of a transparency vice ministry, four information websites, and improving Guatemala’s standing in the International Transparency Ranking by 12 spots.

After resigning as Minister for Finance in 2010, Juan Alberto became a Regional Advisor of the UN Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC). Following this, Juan Alberto wrote a book entitled ‘For Accountability’ in which he details his experience as Minister of Public Finance between January 2008 and June 2010.

In 2012 he became Director of the Division of Economic Development at ECLAC in Santiago, Chile. In this role he has regularly commented on Latin American and Caribbean macroeconomic challenges and on fiscal reforms. Following this he took up a professorship of Economics at Universidad Rafael Landivar in Guatemala and also works in the capacity of an independent consultant of public finance, economic integration and political economy.

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